Water shortage and desalinization in the MENA region

A simulation organized by FORCCAST

Le privé est-il politique ? Le partage des tâches entre femmes et hommes au prisme des emplois domestiques

Ressources concernant les enjeux, format, acteurs et arguments des débats

Quels biocarburants pour une transition énergétique de l’U.E ?

Ressources concernant les enjeux, format, acteurs et arguments des débats

Retour à Sivens

Ressources concernant les enjeux, format, acteurs et arguments des débats

How mapping controversies can help students learn argumentation skills - Dominique Boullier

Dominique Boullier's presentation on controversies mapping and its part played in learning argumentation skills for students (Neuchâtel, January 2014)

Interim review - National Research Agency

Forccast development and activities report - National Research Agency, November 2015

Course outline - Controversy mapping (1)

Content summary and informations about a course on controversy mapping

Course outline - Controversy mapping (2)

Content summary and informations about a course on controversy mapping

Course outline - Oratory

Content summary and informations about an oratory workshop

Course outline - Sociopolitical issues on digital technologies

Content summary and informations about a course on sociopolitical issues on digital technologies

Course outline - Digital workshop (Simulations)

Content summary and informations about a digital workshop with simulation of negotiations and debates.

Controversy mapping - preliminary scan guides (French version)

How to map a controversy? Here is a guide to help you in your preparatory work : asking questions, investigating areas of research, identifying issues and actors...

Controversy mapping - preliminary scan guides (English version)

How to map a controversy? Here is a guide to help you in your preparatory work : asking questions, investigating areas of research, identifying issues and actors...

Simulations writing procedure

How to set up a simulation? Here is the writing protocole : scenario, roles, aims, formats...

Pedagogical ressource for a course in high school (French version) - the safe injection facilities

Elements to set up a course in high school on controversies studies. The example is the controversy about the safe injection facilities. It contains a pedagogical guide, a schedule proposal, a document corpus and a worksheet on controversy's definition.

How to organize a simulation of public debate in high school (French) - the safe injection facilities

This document is linked to the Pedagogical ressource for a course in high school on the safe injection facilities. It contains a pedagogical guide, some ressources and examples of roleplaying character sheets to simulate a neighbourhood committee.


Hyphe is a webcrawling tool : a robot that "clicks" exhaustively from web content discovered in order to bring out new material. It is designed to build web corpora


Fonio is a collaborative writing software aimed at building rich digital scholarly dissertations, using the architecture of websites to structure arguments, and the possibility to feature an extensible array of resources such as bibliographic references, images, tables, videos, and interactive elements.


Tesselle is an image annotation & publication tool. It allows to comment on specific parts of photographs, maps, or visualizations, in order to perform precise visual analysis and inquiry-driven arguments. Tesselle also embeds a tiling feature which allows to seamlessly display and navigate very large images on the web. Eventually, Tesselle allows to export your work as a simple folder to publish anywhere on the web.

Hyphe Browser

Hyphe Browser enables to visualise web pages and build web corpora from search results. Like Hyphe, it has webcrawl functions. Hyphe Browser is an application that is annexed to Hyphe


Gargantext is a collaborative web platform for the exploration of sets of unstructured documents. It combines tools of natural language processing, text-mining, complex networks analysis and interactive data visualization

Voice browsing tool

This voice browsing, elocution training tool offers reading exercises with speeches from famous people. The tool measures pause length, voice volume, pitch, etc. as you read so you can compare your results to those of the original recordings. PLEASE NOTE : You must use Chrome browser

Zotero - User manual (English version)

User guide for literature reference and search tool Zotero

Zotero - User manual (French version)

User guide for literature reference and search tool Zotero

Depicting controversies : visualising and scriptwriting

Training material for characterising controversies course tutors at MINES ParisTech, March 2016

Exploring controversies with the Forccast programme

Training material for exploring controversies within the frame of the Plan Académique de Formation (Academic Training Programme), December 2016 and January 2017

Art as teaching method : controversy over gay marriage on stage

Presentation about a teaching experience of fictionalising the controversy over gay marriage (France, 2013), by Télécom ParisTech teachers Olivier Fournout and Valérie Beaudouin

Management issues on stage

Paper on fictionalising management issues - managerial responsibility in unpleasant working conditions and psychosocial risks, by Olivier Fournout and Sylvie Bouchet

Students produce a playlet or a videoclip to change their preconceptions

Paper on students/engineers-to-be changing their preconceptions about higher education by fictionalising them and producing a playlet and a videoclip

Scientific Controversies for International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Research paper about the study of controversies within sociology of science, by Trevor Pinch

Pasteur and Pouchet : heterogenesis of history of science

Research paper on the controversy over evidencing spontaneous generation of microscopic living organisms, between Louis Pasteur and Félix-Archimède Pouchet (19th century), by Bruno Latour

Towards a sociology of Technology-related Controversies

Research paper that suggests a general framework for studying controversies emerging during technological creation, by Michel Callon

The construction of a socio-technical system

Research paper devoted to studying relationships between technical systems and their contexts : natural, cultural, social, etc. by Madeleine Akrich